Machine Learning

  1. Apache Mahout -- a machine learning library. Link
  2. BigML -- an online machine learning tool. Link
  3. PyBrain -- an Open Source ML library in Python. Link
  4. MetaOptimize -- a ML question/answer website. Link
  5. Quora -- Q/A website. Link
  6. Data mining and analytics resources. Link
  7. Orange -- data mining and ML Open Source software in C++ and Python. Link
  8. Top 30 Python Libraries for Machine Learning. Link
  9. RapidMiner -- Open Source system for data mining. Link
  10. Pentaho -- Data analytics and visualization. Link
  11. Machine Learning open source software. Link
  12. dlib C++ Library (computing, machine learning, etc.). Link
  13. Waffles: collection of machine learning and data mining libraries. Link
  14. Machine Learning Impact Forum. Link
  15. kaggle: labeled images for object recognition. Link
  16. Machine Learning Cheat Sheet. Link
  17. Machine Learning Theory: An Introductory Primer. Link
  18. Data Union (in Chinese). Link
  19. datamicroscopes: Bayesian nonparametric models in Python. Link
  20. Sticky HDP-HMM for time series denoising. Link
  21. Conditional Random Fields (CRF). Link
  22. Machine learning algorithms with Chinese notes. Link
  23. Aerosolve: Machine learning for humans. Link
  24. Tutorial of TensorFlow and deep learning. Link
  25. An executives guide to AI. Link
  26. Supervisely (Create CV application with DL) Link
  27. Python Machine Learning Notebooks (Essential codes for jump-starting machine learning/data science with Python) Link
  28. Python Codes in Data Science. Link
  29. Kaggle Machine Learning Course. Link
  30. Handling Missing Values. Link
  31. Kaggle Machine Learning Course: Intermediate Machine Learning. Link
  32. Machine Learning and Data Science Applications in Industry. Link
  33. Browse State-of-the-art of machine learning. Link
  34. Machine learning for everyone. Link
  35. Time series forecasting in Python with Facebook Prophet. Link
  36. Time series forecasting in Python (Darts). Link
  37. Time series forecasting and clustering. Link
  38. Dive into deep learning. Link
  39. Darts: time series made easy in Python. Link Link
  40. Autodata: Automating common data operations. Link
    1. grab summary info about time-series. Link
    2. Data cleaning, transformation and exploration. Link
    3. A nice library for feature engineering. Link
  41. Kats: One stop shop for time series analysis in Python from Facebook. Link
  42. The Breathing K-Means Algorithm. Link

Explainable Machine Learning and AI Ethics

  1. Interpretable machine learning book. Link Link
  2. Feature importance — what’s in a name?. Link
  3. Permutation Importance, ELI5. Link Link
  4. Partial Dependence Plots, PDPbox. Link Link
  5. Feature analysis using SHAP. Link Link
  6. Advance uses of SHAP values. Link
  7. Ethical ML: Awesome production machine learning. Link
  8. XAI - An eXplainability toolbox for machine learning. Link
  9. A practical guide towards explainability and bias evaluation in machine learning, trust scores. Link
  10. Importance comparison in Interpretable Machine Learning with XGBoost. Link
  11. Partnership on AI (PAI). Link
  12. Commercial product targeting ethical AI. Link
  13. Rethinking human-AI interaction. Link
  14. Artificial Intelligence Incidents Database. Link
  15. Responsible Machine Learning. Link
  16. Alibi explain. Link
  17. Seminar explainable AI 2019. Link
  18. Responsible-AI-Widgets. Link
  19. (Microsoft) Responsible-AI-Toolbox. Link
  20. AI Ethics Courses - A Global Perspective. Link
  21. (Microsoft) Advancing AI trustworthiness: Updates on responsible AI research. Link
  22. Explainer Dashboard. Link Link
  23. Use SHAP Values for Better Cluster Analysis. Link
  24. TensorFlow Lattice: Flexible, controlled and interpretable ML. Link
  25. Rules for the Design of Algorithmic Systems. Link
  26. AI Incident Database. Link

Data Analysis

  1. Measures of Effect Size (Strength of Association). Link
  2. What statistical analysis methods should I use? Link1
  3. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in Python. Link1
  4. Interactions and ANOVA in Python. Link1
  5. Effortlessly Show Statistical Significance on Seaborn Plots. Link1
  6. Python Data Analysis (how to use Python for data analysis). Link
  7. Spatial-related data visualization with Python. Link
  8. Learn Geospatial data analysis with Kaggle. Link
  9. Dataguru (in Chinese). Link
  10. Compare difference of curve groups. Link
  11. Handbook of PARAMETRIC and NONPARAMETRIC Statistical Procedures. Link
  12. Methods of Multivariate Analysis. Link
  13. PyGraphistry: visual graph analytics. Link
  14. Towards data science. Link
  15. Set up a data science environment. Link
  16. Top 50 matplotlib Visualizations – The Master Plots. Link
  17. missingno – Missing data visualization module for Python. Link
  18. Presidio - Data protection and anonymization API Link
  19. Five Interesting Data Engineering Projects Link
  20. COVID19-historical-data-visualization Link
  21. Awesome data labeling Link
  22. Name match Link
  23. Skypilot: an open-source framework for running ML and Data Science batch jobs on any cloud Link
  24. A Data Scientist’s Essential Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis Link
  25. Top 25 Python Scripts To Automate Your Daily Tasks Link
  26. 10 Python Functions Every Data Scientist Must Memorize Link
  27. </ol>


    1. The Practical Guides for Large Language Models. Link
    2. How to Convert Any Text Into a Graph of Concepts. Link

    Image Processing and Computer Vision

    1. Using computer vision techniques in mechanical parts detection and micro-test. Link
    2. Matrox Imaging Library -- useful in computer vision based applications. Link
    3. GIFT: A Content Based Image Retrieval System. Link Link
    4. Content based image retrieval. Link
    5. Content based image retrieval open source codes. Link
    6. ImgSeek: Image retrieval. Link
    7. Fast multiresolution image query. Link
    8. Pattern recognition resources website (theory, code, etc.). Link
    9. Multimedia open source projects (include image retrieval, video, audio, machine learning, etc.). Link
    10. 3D graphics contour rendering. Link
    11. ORB: feature descriptor in OpenCV (for feature matching). Link
    12. Align image stack. Link
    13. Combine images that overlap (Enblend & Enfuse). Link
    14. Panorama photo stitcher. Link

    Visualization and HCI

    1. The TimeViz Brower: A Visual Survey of Visualization Techniques for Time-Oriented Data Link
    2. The UncertaintyVis Browser Link
    3. ALL ABOUT UX: Information for user experience professionals Link
    4. Nanocubes: Visualization of Spatiotemporal Dataset Link
    5. Reeb Graphs and efficient construction of Reeb Graphs Link
    6. Network data repository: exploratory analysis and visualization Link
    7. The data visualization catalogue Link
    8. MPM and ether: Java framework for 3D rendering, multi-projector-mapper Link
    9. A collection of data-rich UI components Link
    10. Leaflet: Javascript library for interactive maps Link
    11. Six Principles for Designing Any Chart Link
    12. Auto-Viz: quickly visualise data. Link
    13. AEffective Visualization of Multi-Dimensional Data — A Hands-on Approach. Link

    Social Media

    1. Social media data collection: snscrape Link

    3D Scanner

    1. The Stanford 3D Scanning Repository Link
    2. parsley: simple and affordable 3D scanners Link
    3. MakerScanner: OpenSource 3D Scanning Link
    4. DIY 3D Scanner Link

    GPS Source

    1. TangoGPS source code Link
    2. AndNav source code Link
    3. OsmAnd source code Link


    1. Persistent homology detection software PLEX. Link

    General Computing

    1. A cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library. Link

    Decision Making

    1. Check effectiveness of decision making. Link

    Paper Lists

    1. NIPS 2012 papers. Link
    2. IJCAI (International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence) papers. Link
    3. Social guided machine learning. Link


    1. PDF to WORD Converter: PDFtoWord. Link
    2. Audacity: recording and editing sounds. Link
    3. Elan: Creation of annotations on video and audio. Link
    4. Emacs Wiki Mode. Link
    5. LIWC: Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count. Link
    6. Screen recorder. Link
    7. Wordle: Visualize text using "word clouds". Link
    8. Bitbucket: git private code repositories. Link
    9. dc.js: Dimensional charting Javascript library. Link
    10. ECharts js library. Link
    11. NVD3.js: Re-usable charts for d3.js. Link
    12. Open Gaze And Mouse Analyzer (OGAMA): An open source software designed to analyze eye and mouse movements in slideshow study designs Link
    13. HighCharts, HighMaps: Open source Javascript library for info vis. Link
    14. Check sold price. Link
    15. Create, edit videos. Link
    16. Freemake video converter. Link
    17. Mind maps. Link
    18. MNE: MEG+EEG Analysis & Visualization with Python. Link
    19. Open Source Eyetracking: Pupil. Link
    20. Export Orcid work to Word doc. Link
    21. SVG repository (free). Link
    22. UI design. Link
    23. UI elements. Link
    24. 20 Python Scripts with Code to Automate Your Work. Link
    25. Web Scraping With 5 Different Methods: All You Need to Know. Link


    1. Flaticon: database of free vector icons. Link


    1. Learn to Code Ethereum DApps By Building Your Own Game Link

    English Study

    1. English pronunciation: English Meeting (Dave Sconda), Cooool. Link
    2. English pronunciation summary website, cool site. Link

    Computer Study

    1. JavaScript Tutorial. Link
    2. JavaScript Tutorial. Link
    3. Blog Donhao: Programming, Test. Link
    4. Simple GPGPU Tutorial. Link

    Research Institutes

    1. MIT Media Lab, Affective Computing. Link
    2. Human-Machine Interaction in MARCS Institute, UWS. Link
    3. Virtual Reality and Telexistence, TachiLab, Japan. Link


    1. Butterfly Lovers ErHu Concerto. (《梁祝》 指揮/閻惠昌 二胡/孫凰 ) Link
    2. Violin Lessons:Proper Violin Finger Placement Link


    1. Do you know your life’s purpose? Link
    2. The most fundamental skill: Intentional learning and the career advantage Link

    How to

    1. How to write a cover letter. Link
    2. Blank screen after installing nvidia restricted driver. Link
    3. How to create Google sites pages. Link
    4. How to add effects in Google sites page. Link